Diet Science



Diet Science is a fun 7 to 8 minute weekly program with insights and straight scoops on today's health and diet issues from Dee McCaffrey, CDC. Dee is an Organic Chemist who lost 100 pounds, nearly half her body weight, and has kept it off for 20 years by staying away from processed foods. She's the author of The Science of Skinny, released by Perseus June 2012, and The Science of Skinny Cookbook, which was released December 2014.


  • Psyllium Husk: A Super Functional Fiber

    22/10/2022 Duration: 13min

    Psyllium is best known for its ability to aid in digestive health, but it has also been clinically proven to lower cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure. Listen in this week as Dee discusses how psyllium stimulates several biochemical functions in the body to provide super health benefits.Purchase psyllium:, J. W., Gibb, R. D., Sloan, K. J., & McKeown, N. M. (2021). Psyllium. Nutrition Today, 56(4), 169–182.

  • Chia Seeds are Making a Comeback Again!

    15/10/2022 Duration: 12min

    There's a lot of nutrition packed into these tiny little seeds, and the chia seed trend is making a splash with a new generation now. Listen in this week as Dee discusses the key benefits of including chia seeds in your meals and snacks.

  • Foods That Are Good for Your Eyes

    10/10/2022 Duration: 14min

    Our eyes need nourishment to keep them moist so that we can have crisp, clear vision. Listen in this week as Dee discusses the foods that provide nourishment for your eyes, and the various types of supplements to be aware of.

  • What is the Difference Between Pickles and Fermented Cucumbers?

    02/10/2022 Duration: 08min

    Pickling and Fermenting are two techniques used to preserve fruits or vegetables in jars.  Listen in this week as Dee discusses the important differences between these two techniques when it comes to your long term health.

  • Taking a Daily Multivitamin Linked to Improved Cognitive Function in Older Adults

    24/09/2022 Duration: 10min

    A new study comparing daily consumption of cocao versus multivitamins shows the multivitamins improved brain function in older adults, and the benefit was greater for those with a history of heart disease. Listen in this week as Dee discusses the results of the study and what it means for your cognitive health.Reference:Baker, L. D., Manson, J. E., Rapp, S. R., Sesso, H. D., Gaussoin, S. A., Shumaker, S. A., & Espeland, M. A. (2022). Effects of cocoa extract and a multivitamin on cognitive function: A randomized clinical trial. Alzheimer's & Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association, 2022, 1–12. Link to Multivitamins:

  • Peer Reviewed Study Finds Two Common Artificial Sweeteners Raise Blood Sugar Levels and Should Not Be Assumed Safe

    18/09/2022 Duration: 17min

    A new study published in the journal Cell, showed that consuming saccharin and sucralose harms the ability of healthy adults to dispose of glucose in their body. The study also looked at the effect of Aspartame and Stevia. Listen in this week as Dee discusses the study and what it means for your health.Reference:Suez, J., Cohen, Y., Valdés-Mas, R., Mor, U., Dori-Bachash, M., Federici, S., Zmora, N., Leshem, A., Heinemann, M., Linevsky, R., Zur, M., Ben-Zeev Brik, R., Bukimer, A., Eliyahu-Miller, S., Metz, A., Fischbein, R., Sharov, O., Malitsky, S., Itkin, M., … Elinav, E. (2022). Personalized microbiome-driven effects of non-nutritive sweeteners on human glucose tolerance. Cell, 185(18), 3307–3328.E19. to Stevia Clear Drops:

  • Shopping for Plant-Based Meat Alternatives--Which are Best?

    11/09/2022 Duration: 17min

    If your goal in selecting plant-based meat alternatives is better health, then you'll want to know which one can get you there. Listen in this week as Dee discusses a variety of different options for replacing meat in your diet.Link to Non-GMO Shopping Guide:

  • Is High-Dose Vitamin C a Viable Treatment for Cancer?

    04/09/2022 Duration: 13min

    A 2015 study published in the journal Science found that high doses of vitamin C impaired growth of colon cancer tumors that have previously resisted other treatments. Listen in this week as Dee discusses the findings of the study, and what this means for the future of treatment for many other types of cancer.References:Monti, D. A., Mitchell, E., Bazzan, A. J., Littman, S., Zabrecky, G., Yeo, C. J., Pillai, M. V., Newberg, A. B., Deshmukh, S., & Levine, M. (2012). Phase I evaluation of intravenous ascorbic acid in combination with gemcitabine and erlotinib in patients with metastatic pancreatic cancer. PLoS ONE, 7(1)., J., Mullarky, E., Lu, C., Bosch, K. N., Kavalier, A., Rivera, K., Roper, J., Chio, I. I., Giannopoulou, E. G., Rago, C., Muley, A., Asara, J. M., Paik, J., Elemento, O., Chen, Z., Pappin, D. J., Dow, L. E., Papadopoulos, N., Gross, S. S., & Cantley, L. C. (2015). Vitamin C selectively kills KRAS and BRAF mutant colorectal cancer cells by

  • Diet High in Calcium and Potassium Helps Prevent Kidney Stones

    28/08/2022 Duration: 10min

    A new study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings showed that lower intake of calcium and potassium leads to high odds of developing kidney stones. Listen in this week as Dee discusses the findings of the 8-year study. and how to increase intake of foods containing these important nutrients.Reference:Chewcharat, A., Thongprayoon, C., Vaughan, L. E., Mehta, R. A., Schulte, P. J., O’Connor, H. M., Lieske, J. C., Taylor, E. N., & Rule, A. D. (2022). Dietary risk factors for incident and recurrent symptomatic kidney stones. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, 97(8), 1437–1448.

  • Bountiful Benefits of Banana Blossoms

    21/08/2022 Duration: 09min

    If you enjoy eating jackfruit as a meat alternative, you'll want to know about banana blossoms.  Listen in this week as Dee discusses the purple flower with a surprisingly flaky fish-like texture, its health benefits, and how to use it in your meals.Link to purchase Banana Blossom:

  • New Research Shows Paleolithic Diet Contained Starchy Foods

    14/08/2022 Duration: 12min

    The Paleo Diet has long been touted as a diet that did not contain potatoes, beans or other starchy foods. New research now shows that likely wasn't the case. Listen in this week as Dee discusses the findings of the 7-year study on the dental plaque and oral microbiome of a 100,000-year old Neanderthal.Reference:Fellows Yates, J. A., Velsko, I. M., Aron, F., Posth, C., Hofman, C. A., Austin, R. M., Parker, C. E., Mann, A. E., Nägele, K., Arthur, K. W., Arthur, J. W., Bauer, C. C., Crevecoeur, I., Cupillard, C., Curtis, M. C., Dalén, L., Díaz-Zorita Bonilla, M., Díez Fernández-Lomana, J. C., Drucker, D. G., … Warinner, C. (2021). The evolution and changing ecology of the african hominid oral microbiome. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118(20). 

  • Three High-Potassium Foods Shown to "Counter" Effects of Salt in the Diet

    07/08/2022 Duration: 10min

    A new study has found that potassium-rich diets were associated with lower blood pressure, particularly in women with high salt intake. Three specific foods had the most benefit. Listen in this week as Dee discusses the research, and why a high potassium diet is important for everyone.Reference:Wouda, R. D., Boekholdt, S. M., Khaw, K. T., Wareham, N. J., de Borst, M. H., Hoorn, E. J., Rotmans, J. I., & Vogt, L. (2022). Sex-specific associations between potassium intake, blood pressure, and cardiovascular outcomes: the EPIC-Norfolk study. European Heart Journal, ehac313.

  • Research Shows Exercise Does Not Counteract Detrimental Effects of a Poor Diet

    31/07/2022 Duration: 14min

    The idea that exercising more can mitigate the effects of eating a poor diet is being put to rest. Listen in this week as Dee discusses the research, and how the synergy of a good diet and physical activity promote the best health outcomes.Reference:Ding, D., Van Buskirk, J., Nguyen, B., Stamatakis, E., Elbarbary, M., Veronese, N., Clare, P. J., Lee, I.-M., Ekelund, U., & Fontana, L. (2022). Physical activity, diet quality and all-cause cardiovascular disease and cancer mortality: A prospective study of 346 627 UK Biobank participants. British Journal of Sports Medicine.

  • More Downsides to Diet Sodas

    24/07/2022 Duration: 12min

    A growing body of evidence suggests that consumption of diet soda is correlated to increased risk of metabolic issues and dementia, among other medical conditions. Listen in this week as Dee discusses the research, and how to cut down on diet soda consumption.Reference:Johnson, R. K., Lichtenstein, A. H., Anderson, C. A. M., Carson, J. A., Després, J.-P., Hu, F. B., Kris-Etherton, P. M., Otten, J. J., Towfighi, A., & Wylie-Rosett, J. (2018). Low-calorie sweetened beverages and cardiometabolic health: A science advisory from the American Heart Association. Circulation, 138(9).

  • Curcumin Quenches the Flame of Alzheimer's

    17/07/2022 Duration: 13min

    Alzheimer's Disease currently devastates the lives of 5.8 million Americans, and there is no cure, but some promising research on curcumin gives us some hope. Listen in this week as Dee discusses how curcumin, the active component in the spice turmeric, quells the flame of inflammation in the brain that is linked to Alzheimer's.Link to Turmeric:, S., & Palanivelu, K. (2008). The effect of curcumin (turmeric) onalzheimer′s disease: An overview. Annals of Indian Academy of Neurology, 11(1), 13. 

  • Adding Pecans to your Diet can Significantly Reduce Cholesterol!

    10/07/2022 Duration: 11min

    A new study has shown that adding about two servings of pecans a day to your diet produces a greater and more consistent reduction in cholesterol compared to many other interventions. Listen in this week as Dee discusses the results of the study, with a bonus comparison to how avocados also reduce cholesterol levels.Sources:Guarneiri, L. L., Paton, C. M., & Cooper, J. A. (2021). Pecan-enriched diets alter cholesterol profiles and triglycerides in adults at risk for cardiovascular disease in a randomized, controlled trial. The Journal of Nutrition, 151(10), 3091–3101. Lichtenstein, A. H., Kris‐Etherton, P. M., Petersen, K. S., Matthan, N. R., Barnes, S., Vitolins, M. Z., Li, Z., Sabaté, J., Rajaram, S., Chowdhury, S., Davis, K. M., Galluccio, J., Gilhooly, C. H., Legro, R. S., Li, J., Lovato, L., Perdue, L. H., Petty, G., Rasmussen, A. M., … Reboussin, D. M. (2022). Effect of incorporating 1 avocado per day versus habitual diet on visceral adiposity: A randomized trial. J

  • Is Your Diet as Healthy as You Think?

    03/07/2022 Duration: 14min

    A new study reveals that people are usually wrong when ranking how well they eat, particularly when they think their diet is healthy. Listen in this week as Dee discusses the significant disconnects between the researcher-calculated evaluation and how participants ranked their own diet, and how to ensure your diet meets the criteria for excellence.Links to research presented orally at the annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition held on June 14, 2022, titled Relationship Between Dietary Patterns and Behavioral/Societal Outcomes: abstractpresentation details

  • Top Foods to Boost Testosterone Levels

    26/06/2022 Duration: 13min

    Testosterone is a key hormone needed by both men and women for optimal bone density, blood sugar control, muscle mass, energy levels, and libido. Testosterone production in the body may decrease due to a number of diet and lifestyle factors. Listen in this week as Dee discusses how to naturally boost testosterone levels, and why you need to keep your levels up.Link to Reed's Zero Sugar Extra Ginger Ale, co-host Michael's new favorite beverage that, according to Dee, can help to naturally increase testosterone: Dee appeared on the cover of the June 27th, 2022 issue of Woman's World Magazine. To get a copy of that edition, click here:

  • The 2022 Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce is Here!

    19/06/2022 Duration: 13min

    Every year the Environmental Working Group, a non-profit advocacy group, publishes a list of common produce items and ranks them according to how contaminated they are with pesticide residues that you may potentially be eating!  Listen in this week as Dee discusses what's new this year and which foods you should always eat organically grown, and which are safe to eat non-organic. Download a pocket size copy of the 2022 Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 List at

  • Fermented Olives, A Traditional Food

    12/06/2022 Duration: 07min

    Table olives are one of the oldest fermented foods hailing from the Mediterranean area. Fermentation gives them probiotic properties in addition to their many other health benefits. Listen in this week as Dee discusses how olives are fermented, and the difference between black olives vs fermented olives.

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